PEER Progress: Smart Cities Powered by Smart Grids workshop in D.C.

PEER Progress: Smart Cities Powered by Smart Grids workshop in D.C.

PEER marches onto Washington, D.C., this month with the "Smart Cities Powered by Smart Grids" roadshow workshop. Join us for this free course on helping campus and utility energy leaders understand how the PEER program can support their Smart Cities initiatives for achieving reliability, resiliency and sustainability goals. The course is valuable for those active in the fields of sustainability and facility/engineering management for campus energy systems, microgrids and electric power systems.

Smart Cities Powered by Smart Grids

When: Wed., March 15, 2017, 2–5 p.m. ET
Where: U.S. Green Building Council, 2101 L Street NW, Suite 500, Washington, D.C., 20037
Cost: Free

Participants will understand the value of PEER Energy Assessments and PEER certification from a holistic view, looking at what occurs from start to finish. Come learn about key PEER performance credits, strategies for maximizing revenue and how to leverage PEER for your project.

In addition, participants will engage with PEER experts to understand how to identify potential gaps, next steps, and apply the PEER credits to their projects as it relates to reliability, resilience and the environment. This includes reviewing examples of strategies that will help teams achieve full credit within PEER. This program is endorsed by the Smart Cities Council, and USGBC PEER and CE credits will be offered. 

Workshop objectives:

  1. Recognize how Smart Cities and PEER are used to support community livability, workability and sustainability.
  2. Understand that a reliable electrical infrastructure is the basis of a smart city. 
  3. Identify the milestones and strategies for achieving PEER certification and maximizing performance outcomes. 
  4. Describe and define key PEER performance credits related to reliability, resiliency and the environment.

Register for the workshop

The roadshow continues its journey to UT Austin, one of the first PEER-certified projects, on March 30, 2017. Learn more about the Austin event.