PEER Policy Brief: India

PEER Policy Brief: India

India is witnessing rapid economic and industrial growth, with the IMF projecting a 7.8 percent increase in GDP in 2019. To achieve this growth, it is important that the country considers how its power infrastructure will handle the anticipated demand increase.

Important government programs, including UJALA and others, have been introduced, but system stressors related to transmission and distribution inefficiencies, as well as grid resilience, are some of the challenges the Indian power sector will need to address.

With ambitious energy policies and programs on one side and challenges to the grid infrastructure on the other, GBCI’s PEER could bridge this gap, ensuring reliable, quality, resilient and safe power to consumers. PEER has the potential to accelerate the transformation of the power and energy market to meet these goals. It establishes global best practices, supports programs working toward national goals and creates a common language between the electricity consumer, power distribution companies and energy professionals.

This policy brief details how PEER can complement the Indian government’s work to achieve their targets and holistically support grid modernization in India.

This policy brief was authored by Mili Majumdar, Ishaq Sulthan & Keerthana Selvanathan.

Download the PEER India Policy Brief